Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Upper body pull day:

6 minute cardio warm up, pillar prep.....

busy at the base gym this evening so the order is a bit different then normal but no matter, still killed it and hit some PR's today!

snatch grip hang pulls from under knee caps:
4x12 @ 280lbs

bw neutral chin ups

hammer under hand pulldowns:
2 plates + 5lb per side x12 /4 sets + drop set @ 50% to fail

hammer seated row machine:
2 plates + 10lb per side x12/4 sets + drop set @ 50% to fail

hammer preacher curls:
1 plate + 20lb x 10 / 4 sets + 1 drop set @ 50% to fail

standing db iso jump shrugs:
100's x20 / 3 sets

15 minutes post lift MISS

Done and out!

As mentioned......all packed up and ready to head out to sea tomorrow morning by 0700. I will be back in for a short stint on Friday evening until Sunday morning to attend the NSCA SoCal State Clinic held just 3 miles from where I live in San Diego! The registration was low, the location was ideal and the CEU credits I get for keeping my certs are high for a 1 day clinic like this. Great speaker line up as well so to miss this would be a total miss for me. Luckily the ship has daily "COD" flights on and off the ship to base so that I can hitch a round trip flight and make the conference without missing much sea time either. All good! I can try and put a quick update of things here during that time back so will see how things pan out then.

Thats all for now folks! Take care and stay healthy, and stay fit!

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