Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Moving on.....

Ok so now midway through the deloading week lets recap yesterday and then summarize today's game plans shall we?

Yesterday I was day 3 of 3 in the split, upper body pull we be..

230pm: 6 minute stationary bike warm up, DM, cuff series.....

Machine Pull Overs:
2x15 @ 145lbs

Hammer UH Pull Downs:
4x8 @ 2 plates a side

Hammer High Row:
4x10 @ 1 plate + 25 a side

Rack Pulls from above the knee:
275x10(4 sets)

Supine Narrow BW Chin Ups:

Hammer Preacher Curls
4x8 @ 1 plate + 2, 10's

Rope Cable Curls:
3x15 @ 15RM

17 minutes stationary bike MISS post lift.

Today was simple...30 minutes MISS via an outdoor run I took my sailors on today.

I also made a nice little trek off base today to grab lunch at a place I have been oogling for months now! Barrio Star in San Diego, CA. I got all this for $1.50 after discount applied. (AmazonLocal)  For my needs this made for 1 delicious and amazing meal to fuel me through my 4 fitness classes I taught today for work.

Power Breakfast

Power Breakfast Burrito

On another fun little note, I did have these bad boys waiting for me when I got home today and that made my day! Little some-some I got via a contact I made at the contest venue vendor booth area this weekend. This is why Quest just plain rules in both products and customer service.

More to come tomorrow gang!

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