Friday, November 8, 2013

10 days without word......

Yes it has been 10 whole days without any word from me.......being out at sea with limited net access and when I do have it, its slow as all hell which makes for no posts in 10 days! Kills me not to log my workouts, diet, daily events etc......

However here I am for now.....with just under 48 hours since landing on dry land from the carrier before going right back out for the last few days of sea time. I have the NSCA Southern CA State Clinic to attend tomorrow in the Mission Valley area of San Diego which is like 10 miles from base and 2 miles from where I live! Ideal location, awesome line up of topics and even better list of expert speakers as well. I also get to rack up some CEU's for this conference which I need being this is a reporting hear for the NSCA so its win-win all round.

Plus for today was that I got to hit legs back at the base gym which is never more appreciated then after trying to do legs on a moving carrier at sea!! Squats blow while on a ship let me say that much! Any kind of squat period is almost deadly when even a little rock, tip or tilt of the ship comes along! Leg press, lunges, plyo jumps, weighted vest work, and TRX unilateral leg work is what I had to adjust to for the last 2 leg workouts to make sure I did not kill myself doing squats the last few lower body days. Today however I was back under the bar hitting with basics as follows:

630-755pm Olde Gym, NBSD.

5 min bike warm up
dynamic movement prep
hip mobz

ass to grass squats:
245x5 (3 sets)
135x20 burn out with a sumo stance

seated calves:
4x12 @ 2 plates + burn out set for 25 reps @ 1 plate

hamstring hypers w/45# plate across chest:

db shrugs paired with standing bw calves:
100's x 15 / 20, 105's x 15 / 20, 110's x 15 / 20, 115's x 15

leg extensions paired with seated leg curls:
2x20 each and 1 set of 15 each using RM loads

Damn good lift today! Feels so nice to have the basics back again like stable ground for one! And a gym that's pretty well dead on a Friday evening compared to a smaller busy gym with 5000 other sailors with nothing better to do then workout as well.....

Been able to get pretty good workouts in yet on the ship over the past 10 days I must say. Very basic work with almost all DB and BB work and some cable work. Little bit of functional training via medball, weighted vest and TRX trainer to fill in what I cannot do for legs and abs due to lacking equipment, tight spaces or again....a moving ship!

Diet has been pretty simple and routine with 3 whole food meals a day in the ships galley's at noon, 4pm and 11pm with protein blend shakes filling in my daily 8am meal and 8pm meals. I add in oats, fruit and natty pb as needed pending lift day or rest days. Quest Bars also help out big time for quick easy mini snacks to help keep me fueled up before and after leading a couple fitness classes most days out at sea.

Going to grab a few good homemade meals now while back home for even a short while to get my kitchen fix quelled at least until the last short bit of the sea trial period is over and we get back in again.

Weight I not been able to check on scale due to the ship always being in high waters in the AM hours. It does not seem to settle down till about 1-2pm and by then I have ate, drank, taught class etc....skewing my numbers. So this Sunday morning I can FINALLY get some pics and stats up for my own insights and all of you to see as well.

Well I guess that is about all for now gang, going to get one more post or two in this weekend before heading back out to sea Sunday morning.......have a great weekend and never forget how nice it is to have stable land under your feet when in the gym!

Stay healthy, stay fit!

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