So yesterday was legs and anyone who follows my blog knows leg day is serious biz! Its do or die time....all in or go home. No punches pulled, nose to the grind stone kinda workout. Last night was no different.
After a long but fun day of awesome and amazing talks at the ABC and Expo at the San Diego Convention center I made the trek just blocks away to the downtown Horton Plaza 24 hour fitness. It has been a couple months since hitting a lift at this 24 Hour. I was feeling a little bit of a cold coming on Thursday with a runny nose, sneezes and a little bit of lethargy hanging over me all day. It was also a gloomy, wet, rainy day all day here in SD which is very rare for us....perhaps that got me going? This is how she shook out none the less
7 minute cardio warm up....needed a bit more time to get warm and woke up to do biz tonight..
dynamic movement prep
135x10 / 3 sets, warm ups
260 x 6 / 6 sets
single leg press (hoist)
4x12 each leg / 9th plate on stack
standing calves:
4x10 @ 120lbs
seated calves superset with bb jump shrugs:
3x12 @ 2 plates and 4x12 @ 205lbs respectively
hamstring hypers:
3x20 at bw only
decline sit ups superset with roman chair leg raises (eccentric focus)
3x12 each
After this lift I made another quick journey over to Stingaree Night Club/Bar just blocks away from the gym for the conference social networking party and I have to say it was awesome! Great drinks, great food, awesome people and a sweet venue! My first time there and certainly not my last. I only had 1 drink (red wine) but I'm pretty sure I made a meal from the street taco and prime rub appetizer tables and pounded 2-3 snack plates of veggies and fruits as well during my 2 hours at the venue. I had to scoot out a bit early to move my car from the parking lot I was in all day to avoid extra charges. Would have stayed longer otherwise. Good times!
Today was an off day so all we did was 35 minutes cardio. I did a combo run/walk on the treadmill burning 530 calories in 35 minutes. Not bad at all. Tomorrow morning I have a 5k run am doing downtown next to the convention center so I will be rocking that out for my cardio before heading over to the 3rd and final day of the ABC conference seminar sessions. Oh and the 5k ends with a foodie celebration which you must read up on! Lucky me! fit foodie 5k
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