Friday, September 13, 2013

Back On Land at Last!

So after 9 days at sea with the carrier I am at last back home for the next 6 weeks before my next tentative outing at sea.

The last 9 days were a real test in that I had to stay on par perfectly with diet and training while on the carrier 24/7 to stay show ready for my now 8 days away MPD debut contest!

I managed to nail all my workouts, all my cardio and hit all my meals spot on. It was very routine and boring but it worked and I was able to hit my daily macros spot on each day. I spent my 29th birthday aboard the  carrier as well which was a first and in fact made today the first day I stepped on dry land at 29 years old.....kinda cool I guess lol!

The culinary team and my work division even made me a birthday fruit basket vs a cake as they often do for peoples bdays while at sea. Knowing I would not be able to eat any cake while in show prep they got creative and whipped up this bad boy!

How cool is that!

Today was my first day back in the "normal gym" via 24 hour fitness and it was of course......leg day! This is what it looked like:


Also did 30 minutes treadmill/bike/elliptical combo this morning at 745am....


foam roll, band pnf stretch.....go time!

bb traditional deadlifts
225x6 (2 sets)
275x5 (2 sets)
315x5(2 sets)
375x2 (4 sets)
315x5 (2 sets)

bb wide stance squats
225x5(4 sets)

assisted chin up single leg push downs super set with seated calves
3x12 per leg / 3x20

leg extensions super set with prone leg curls
3x12-15 each machine

standing calf press with cable pull through
3x12 each

Daily Grub:

2 cups oikos plain ff greek yogurt

large garden salad with veggies and walden farms dressing
2 packs syntha 6 isolate

pre lift meal-
9 oz cooked/roasted chicken, skin removed
4 cups mixed greens

post lift blender shake-
12 oz baked yam
2 scoops cellucor whey
160g frozen blueberries
1.5 cups unsweet original almond milk

before bed-
2 cups chobani plain fat free greek yogurt

Tomorrow I am taking my weight and bodyfat reading to see where I am after the last 9 days at sea. I will try again to get someone to take my pics in the right place, right location without seeming like a total weirdo about it. Sucks not having a go to person for this right now!

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