Sunday, February 2, 2014

17 weeks offseason update

Well as promised I owe you all an update here at 17 weeks into my offseason training season. Lets get to it!

Let me give a quick rundown of last 2 workouts from Friday and Saturday..

Friday- upper pull day

730am 25 mins cardio (taught spin class)

6pm workout
narrow pull downs 3x12
short bar seated cable rows 3x12
deadlifts sumo 4x5 lead up sets to 365
deadlifts traditional 4x2 @ 405
bb RDL 3x8 @ 225
1 arm db row 2x10 @ 70lbs then 80lbs
ez bar 21's for 3 sets

Saturday- upper push day
730am 25 mins cardio (taught spin class)

6pm workout
should cuff series
flat bb bench press: 135x6, 155x5, 175x5, 185x4, 205x3, 225x2(4 sets)
incline bb bench press 3x8 @ 135
decline bb bench press: 3x8 @ 155
triplex: (3 sets)
-side db laterals x15
-rear cable delt fly x15
-front db raises x15
-rope cable face pulls 3x15
-cable cross overs 3x15
single arm db tricep kickbacks 3x20 each arm

OK That's that. Now for today's check in goodies. I was 191.8lbs this AM right out of bed, before eating or drinking a thing. Down almost 5lbs from Thursday morning!? Not sure what is to cause for the loss other then maybe the 3 spin classes I lead but at just 25 mins each and mild intensity I cant see that being the sole not changed much in terms of less calorie intake, in fact its been just the same or hair higher now that I have my kitchen and fridge back.

Pics from this morning...

And something more appealing then looking at my tall skinny ass is some recent eats from the week since getting back home......

Homemade pumpkin fudge protein oatmeal bake
Veggie Grill BBQ Steak Sandwich

I will leave you all to drool over the food shots for now so enjoy. Hope you all plan to watch the Superbowl today and root for the Seahawks and my boy Russel Wilson! 

As always, stay healthy, stay fit, peace out!

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