Wednesday, September 25, 2013

10 Days till seasons end!!

As of tomorrow I will be at just 10 days out from my 2nd and final contest of the fall season and as most in the sport come to call....the end of formal "season" which typically coincides with the Mr. Olympia contest at the end of September and as anyone reading this likely knows.....takes place this very weekend starting up Thursday night and commencing on Sunday afternoon. Of course other contests do and will take place through years end in all organizations but they tend to become few and far between and less frequent in smaller cities. As for me it wont much matter. I have set plans to bust my ass until late March to put on some much needed size and thickness to my storky 6'2'' frame. I will have the helpful eye of Jason Theobald of Scooby Prep assisting me with my diet and nutrition to assure things keep on clicking the whole time so I see good things happening come October 6th and beyond for darn sure!

Yesterday I did a early morning 30 minutes HIT spin class which I teach for the command. No workout later on, just rest and recovery.

Today was 40 minutes gauntlet cardio in the AM with HR between 130-145 via 10 minutes of each:

  1. incline treadmill walk
  2. woodway curve jog
  3. recumbent bike
  4. stepmill
Time goes by way faster when you break it up back to back like that on a different unit each 10 mins I swear!

Later on around 630 it was time for LEGS and here is what we got done!

smith squats, close stance- 75 sec rest between all sets
2x15 @ 1 plate a side
2x12 @ 1plate + 10 a side
2x10 @ 1 plate + 25 a side
2x8 @ 2 plate a side
2x6 @ 2 plate + 10 a side
1x20 @ 1 plate a side

hamstring hypers with 45lb plate across chest

bw standing calf press

assisted chin machine- single press downs
3x12 per leg at 150, 160, 170lbs (each set increase in weight)

swiss ball crunch series:
3x20 front
2x20 side
2x20 reverse crunch

TUT cybex leg extension/seated leg curl rep out series:
3x30 reps each back to back with 30 sec rest between each exercise (burn baby burn!!)

7 minutes cybex arc trainer with HR at 145-150


Today was refeed day so I got a whole whopping 210g carbs today! I savored every last extra bit of oats and yam I got pre and post lift let me say that much! 

Calories overall are now just under 2000 per day except refeed days. Getting down and dirty now at the very end. Gotta stay strong and pull through it. Only time I get truly hunger is after meal 1 lately. Outside that I have been pretty good really. 

Also.....have a new player in my supplement regime now.....trying out shark liver oils at 2g a day starting today onward. Research seems promising after a in depth talk I had with the lead researcher and company CEO. Testing myself before I push or promote anything to anyone else, military or otherwise. Will see...

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