Thursday, January 30, 2014

We are back!

Well, Well, Well, we are back!

After 7 days at sea which flew buy I might add, we are back on dry ground and ready to spend the next 6 full weeks without any sea time which means both good and bad things for me during that time.

The Good: consistent schedule, able to cook all my own meals at home, take my own meals where and when I need to, shop for my own foods, sleep in my own bed, work the same hours 5 days a week, hit the regular gym when I want to with full equipment access.

The Bad: work is going to be a bit slow in port over this time as the command has set work day of 7-4ish and that leaves limited time for sailors to attend my classes in big numbers if at all. Then after the work day 75% of the command scatters off base to get home, the beach, downtown, anywhere but base as this is San Diego remember, who can blame them for getting the heck away? Thus it's hard as hell to get anyone to stay and attend classes after work also. I really need to look for work to keep me busy during those times. Usually I make projects or programs, do admin work or hold consults to fill time and be productive but I would rather be leading classes and holding command wide fitness challenges each week as I get during sea time.

Any who......the last 7 days were very productive and offered me a much needed change up in workouts, rest, nutrition etc. I have to go more functional, bodyweight based workouts since its very hard to go super heavy on a moving/rocking air craft carrier 24/7. I did more TRX based exercises, DB work at lower loads, kettlebell work, plyometric work with boxes and medballs as well as band work and manual resistance type exercises. It was actually very welcoming and fun to change up the workouts, my exercises and the general feel of new movements during the past week.

I also took Tuesday and Wednesday 100% off from workouts (planned workouts that is) I arranged for a command wide 12,000 pound tractor pull fitness challenge in our ships hanger bay on Tuesday night where groups of 4 people (1 female minimum) had 10 minutes max to pull the tractor 75 yards as quick as possible or as far as possible in 10 minutes time. I wanted no excuses from me or my team so I wanted to be 100% ready for this! (My team tied for 4th place out of 8 teams total.)

Then on Wednesday morning we had a 5k run on the carrier flight deck so I also wanted to be good and fresh to hit a good run for that vs run on sore shaky legs from leg day. I also had not taken 2 full days off from formal structured training in 12 weeks so it was due time for some extra recovery.

Today I was able to get a accurate weigh-in once the ship was final stable and the scale showed me at 196.6lbs. Moving up nice and slow and that I like! No cheat meals at all while under way and no Sunday splurge like usual either so having gone 2 weeks as of this Sunday without a cheat may help my body "clean out" a bit and make the next one taste that much better to!

Being the first day back on dry ground I got things jump started with a nice easy 25 minute session of cardio on the ship this morning at 730am we dropped anchor. Gauntlet cardio of bike, tread, elliptical and rower. Then at 6pm this evening we nailed out legs! Being 100% fresh from the 2 days off I was golden for a PR.......

5 min cardio elliptical warm up
pillar prep/dynamic movements/foam rolling

  • squats: 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 245x5, 305x3, 315x3 (4 sets) (2.5 minute rest periods)
  • front squats: 135x10 (3 sets)
  • db bulgarian split squats: 40lb db each hand 3x8 rep per leg
  • seated calf press: 1x20
  • straight leg seated calf press: 1x20
  • reverse crunch-bosu crunch-cable twists: 2x20 each back to back to back

5 minute cardio elliptical  cool down

My first "real" meal back home was my favorite item to buy from FitzeeFoods seen below:

Green Chili Chicken Enchiladas (588 calories, 21g fat, 45g carbs, 59g protein) My pre-workout meal good and so good for you to!
Photo: Green Chili Chicken Enchiladas. #FitzeeFoods

When I got home today to my apartment I also found this nice little surprise at my door from Perfect Foods Bar based right here in San Diego. I have had a few of these before and LOVED them for both taste and nutritional content. I have since been in talks with the PR guy PJ and he is awesome! He sent me all these samples for myself and my command sailors to sample out. How cool is that?! Peanut Butter is hands down my favorite but trust me, all of them are good! Get yourself some and see what I mean.

Photo: Thanks to PJ and the Perfects Foods Bar team for sending out the command some delicious sounding samples!

OK I have went on long enough but I just had lots to cover since it had been a while since my last post/update. I will have another post Sunday with pictures, weigh-in numbers and more workout, nutrition and life events for you guys to follow up on.

Stay healthy, stay fit and peace out folks!

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