Saturday, January 4, 2014

2014 Kickoff!

The first post of 2014!!

Now back in Sunny San Diego for 4 days as of this posting I have already hit the ground, the gym and the kitchen with a wave of motivation to make sure I start the year off right where I left of 2013....with markers of major progress in my professional life, personal life, recreational/social life and my sports life. 2013 was a fantastic year for me and I plan to make 2014 an equally productive, memorable, enjoyable and awesome year!

I already took time to sit down and purposefully write down my goals in my workout journal where I log my weekly weight, workouts, daily diet let me spill the beans for you all to see as well.

2014 Fitness Goals:

  1. Break 200lbs and keep bodyfat under 13% (192lbs as of Jan 1)
  2. Hit 600lb deadlift
  3. Hit 315lb bench press
  4. Hit 450lb squat
  5. Hit 185lb seated shoulder press
  6. Compete in 3 powerlifting meets
  7. Compete in 3 strongman meet
7 Major goals for the year to bring my fitness to levels never before reached. Lofty goals indeed but ones I will have to work for strategically to make them happen which I will 100% all year long!

Also since getting back I have already been getting my EAT back on by hitting up some new local restaurants....take a look at the grub stops from late:

Salsa Flight with house made tortilla chips + Macha Salsa marinated skirt steak with spicy black beans (Blind Burro)

Post workout meal (Souplantation Buffet) I bring in my own Greek Yogurt since the buffet has minimal protein sources if any. Its vegetarian based after all. This cost me just $9 to!

Alligator Burger 2/3lb (Tiolis Crazee Burger)

So the eats are going well so far but so are the workouts! Very good in fact!

I have hit PR's in both bench and rack deads in my first week of this 4 week concentrated loading block. 235lbs in the bench press, 150lbs in seated bb press and 405lbs in the rack deadlift. Today I will see if I can also PR in squats to make the whole last week pegged with PR's! Today I also go in for a formal dunk tank based body composition assessment which I do every 4 months each year to gauge objective outcomes of my training and diet. I will have that info for you as well as my pictures tomorrow.

I want to real quickly give you all a glimps of my training program for this 4 week block to see the big picture.

3 days on 1 day off split routine
upper pull-upper push-legs-off
30 mins HIIT on off day + 10 mins HIT post lift days

bench press and shoulder press is major focus of upper push day
rack dead is focus of upper pull day
squat is major focus of leg day

I swap each 3 day rotation with a max effort basis trying to go as heavy as I can from 8 reps down to 1-2 reps to hit a new PR in those lifts mentioned above. The next 3 day rotation that starts I do speed training with 10-12 sets of just 4 reps every 60 seconds as fast as I can using 50-60% of my max weight. Shoulders get more volume on on speed days as well doing 5 sets of 10. Box squats replace normal back squats for speed day as well. On pull days I do a vertical pull focus one rotation and then a horizontal pull focus the next rotation. Biceps and triceps always get 3 sets of about 15 reps with a drop set of about 20 reps. This is to maintain muscle balance, prevent injury and improve muscle CSA in those muscle groups. All lifts outside of the main lifts above do not get more then 3 sets of work. This is why its called a concentrated loading block. I concentrate almost all my work sets on the core lifts and only "tap" into the time and effort spent on the other assistance work. 

Yesterdays workout: Upper Pull

  • 5 min treadmill run, + dynamic warm up
  • rack deads below the knee max effort: 405x3 for 2 sets (best sets only listed)
  • wide bodyweight pull ups: 3x8
  • close grip lat pull downs: 3x10
  • standing db curls: 3x18 + 1x25 drop
  • db shrugs: 3x20 @ 90's
  • special ops abs: 6x30 reps various movements
  • 10 mins HIT

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